My name is Krishna Bhatt. We consult fly Canada Group for my dependent work permit. I have work permit on my study I got married in October and I thought my Permit was expiring on December but when me and my husband are collecting documents for other paper work I see my permit is expiring on November not December we misinterpret the Date of expiring. I was so worried as I got only 7 days to apply for my work permit on dependent to my Husband. My husband told me that he had Contact with shalin sir working for Fly Canada Immigration Service. We Called him and he said we can do the application in one Night because we just got one day left as we are collecting our marriage documents which needed for the application which were delayed due to Covid-19 Situation. He and his team then worked continuously on our Work Permit application. We have been pleased by the service of Fly Canada Immigration Services. We just got our dependent Work permit Successfully last month. We will surely Consult him again without being hesitate due to their quality and Speed for Filing Work.